5 Quick Easy Ways to Better Hair Care - Fleur Scalp Care
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5 Quick Easy Ways to Better Hair Care

Tips // 5 Quick Easy Ways to Better Hair Care

Published 10/10/19, 2:51 PM by Fleur Scalp Care

5 Quick Easy Ways to Better Hair Care

Everybody loves and yearns for healthy hair, strong and silky smooth. Beautiful hair begins with a healthy scalp. Improving our hair and scalp health can be as easy as these 5 quick easy hair care steps.

Give Your Hair A Trim

A regular trim can go a long way, whether it’s DIY or done by the professionals. Short hair should be trimmed every 4 to 8 weeks, while the recommended time period for trimming for medium to long hair is 6 to 12 weeks.

Hair trimming aids the hair with its growth. It might sound counterproductive, but this is very true. Regular trims can remove the damaged and split ends, promoting further hair growth from the roots. Trimming your ends will make your hair softer and more flexible, thereby preventing breakage.

Cleanse With Shampoo And Conditioner

A proper hair care routine begins with the shampoo and conditioner. As you shampoo, be sure to pay attention to your scalp and not just the ends of your hair. You should also use the right amount of shampoo, depending on the length of your hair.

This is because excessive shampoo makes the hair dry by removing all the essential oils that are essential in keeping your hair moisturized and giving it that natural luster. There are many different types of hair and hair condition, how frequently you need to wash your hair will vary based on its condition and texture. Typically once or twice a week is perfect for most people.

Condition your hair using a good quality & suitable conditioner after shampooing helps revitalize your strands with moisture. It is a good habit to towel-dry your wet hair before applying the conditioner. You should also focus on the ends of your hair and not on the roots when applying.

Good Diet

We are what we eat, our bodies derive most of its building blocks and nutrients from our diet. Having a balanced and good diet is probably the most effective and easier way of keeping your hair healthy. Our hair cells need a balance of nutrients and vitamins for healthy growth.

They also give hair its natural sheen. We recommend that you incorporate iron-rich foods such as fish, beans, soybeans and vegetables into your daily diet. Proteins and omega-3s are also vital to watch out for.

Drink plenty of water daily to reinforce the work you are doing with your diet. Staying hydrated also means healthier skin, nails, and of course, hair.

Apply Hair Oils

Our hair and scalp needs an adequate amount of moisture and sebum to stay hydrated and nourished. This is naturally secreted by our sebum glands, giving our hair and scalp moisture and protection from drying out.

However in some cases where the sebum production is disrupted, applying hair oils or going for oil treatments could be one good alternative to re-nourish our hair and scalp, reduces frizziness and increase hair strength. It’s also important to find out if the oil treatment is suitable for your type of hair before you proceed.

Talk to our friendly consultants to find out more today!

Early detection and correct identification plays a key role. So get started with a free scalp analysis and consultation with us today. Book your appointment here.

Healthy Scalp & Beautiful Hair

Are you ready to get started on your journey towards a healtier scalp and beautiful hair? We provide organic and natural solutions for hair & scalp problems such as chemically damaged hair, dandruff and hair loss. We also provide organic hair colouring services too!

Start with your free hair & scalp analysis and consultation. Get in touch with us today and make your appointment!